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Terceira Activities

Terceira’s 18-hole golf course spread over the gentle hills next to Algar do Carvao, a must stop landmark. Angra do Heroismo and Praia da Vitoria offer excellent conditions for sailing, windsurfing and water skiing. Grottoes set in the below the surface of the earth stimulate the curiosity of speleologists. Green fields invite visitors to take restful walks through pastures and flowers. Those who are more keen on sports will find a climb up the Serra de Santa Barbara and Pico Alto to be a way to broaden their horizons and be thrilled by a landscape made up of numberless hues of green, framed by the blue of the sea and sky. Catch a combative fish from rocks or from a boat rocked by the waves. Walk through hill and dale in pursuit of elusive rabbits. These are some of the pleasures that Terceira offers for lively active holidays.

The Sea and Fishing

Set in the middle of a sea rich in fish, Terceira offers the rock fisherman a chance to catch the conger eel, Jack Grevalle, mackerel, snapper bream, moray eel, and broadbill sword fish. The best fishing grounds are situated in the areas of Angra de Heroismo, Sliveira, São Maleus, Pesqueiro, Biscoitos, Praia da Vitoria, Porto Martins, Porto Novo, and Porto Judeu.

Discovering Nature

Terceira entices the discovery of new views with every step: the appreciation of the charms of a path winding through pastures, the liquid water-color formed by the sea as seen from the top of a cliff or white houses surrounded by flowers. This is the attraction of Terceira, the discovery that is not included in travel guides.

Some of the best walks and treks can be found at Monte Brasil, a protected natural park in Angra do Heroismo with some of the most beautiful scenery seen in Terceira. The hydrangea covered road running along the hillside of Serra of Santa Barbara offers breathtaking views. While there one can pay a visit to Santa Barbara Caldeira.

Check out the abundant vegetation of forest of Serreta and the vista point of Peneiroa. The Caldeira of Guilherme Moniz with a perimeter of 14 Km (roughly 9 miles) is another must see.

The natural reserve of Algar do Carvão features caverns full of stalactites and stalagmites 100 meters deep which lead to a subterranean lake. Nearby visit the sulfur caverns of Agulhas and many more.

In Terceira’s Serra do Cume one can admire the scenery overlooking Praia da Vitoria. Ilheu das Cabras is an important and protected breeding ground for a variety of bird species can be admired as one passes through the south coast of Terceira.

Some other lakes worth the walk are Pico do Boi, Lagoa das Patas, and Lagoa do Negro. The Alagoas (little lakes) features a protected area with rich endemic vegetation.

Stop at Biscoitos with its lava formations, home of vineyards and natural ocean pools.

Pico Alto is the most challenging hike with a rewarding panoramic view. Other hikes can be had at Picos da Bagacinha and Cabrito.

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