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Sao Jorge Events

The inhabitants of Sao Jorge hold a colorful and joyful series of events every year. These are the famous Holy Ghost Festivals which date back to the time of the settlers and join the inhabitants together in a fraternal spirit. The festival begins with the crowning of the “emperor”. It continues with the displaying of the crown for 8 days in the house of the managers and ends on the feast day of the “empire”, when a grandiose meal is served while jesters sing old tunes accompanied by drum and cymbals. In the afternoon bands liven things up with their music. Sometimes “bullfighting on a rope”, brought from neighboring Terceira Island, envies the bravest to challenge the animal: not always successfully but in a way that is always lively and cheery. The bullfights are held all over the island beginning in spring and continuing until end of summer.

The Cultural Week event is held in the first week of July in Velas. Calheta celebrates the July festival on the second week of July with music, theatre, expositions, conferences, and seminars. National and international artists participate. Sports events also make part of the festivities.

Santo Cristo folk pilgrimage is a merry and rustic festival held in Sao Jorge where fireworks, colorful arches, and music provide the framework for the religious ceremony. Santo Cristo is held at Faja de Santo Cristo on the first Sunday in September.

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